Friday, February 19, 2010

I was thinking today.

I was thinking how many of the best moments of my life I missed because I was thinking ahead to other things. I was thinking about what I was going to do next or thinking about how that moment was going to affect me. I wonder why we as humans do that. Why we can't live in the moment. It dawned on me that it's because we are afraid to live in the moment. We have been trained to think about the future rather then charishing the now. How do we get out of this mindset? I think we have to make a conscious effort to take in the sights and sounds of every moment no matter how mundane it seems. I think if we do this it might make those seemly mundane moments extraordinary.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hello this is my first post

Well, Hi. How are you? Thank you for reading my blog. This is my first post and I'm excited. I will be posting a lot cuz I get manic about stuff like this. I will be talking about everything here. I will discuss music, movies, TV, cooking, Life, Religion. Absolutely everything that you need to get through life alive. Hope you enjoy it.